Section 4 Understanding Salvation - 15 The Road Less Travelled

The second dedication: To dedicate oneself to loving Him.

This was the time when God asked me to hear mass and receive the Holy Eucharist daily.

Question: God, what are You waiting from me?

God’s answer:

You receive Me wholeheartedly.

Question: After a year of daily mass and communion, I asked Him: What does it mean to receive you wholeheartedly.

God’s answer:

A wedding scene with two kneelers in front of an altar, with a sign that reads The King and I.

In the altar is the Holy Cross with the Holy Eucharist. The Heart in the Eucharist has the name of God (EL) and the crown of God.

You take Me as I Am. We are one.

Meaning: This is the station when God prepares us for Spiritual Marriage. This sculpture depicts what it truly means to receive the Holy Eucharist - It is our marriage with Christ. This is also why the mass is a wedding banquet. The next station, COMMUNION, explains the meaning of this sculpture.

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